Hard drive malfunctions: problems, causes and how Sahak Service can help solve them

Five signs that your hard drive is failing: how to recognize problems
The hard drive (HDD or SSD) is an important part of the computer where everything from your favorite photos to system files is stored. However, like any technical device, a hard drive can be subject to various malfunctions that can lead to data loss and disruption of the computer. In this article, we will look at the main hard drive failures, their causes, and how Sahak Service computer workshop in Yerevan can help solve these problems.

Basic hard drive problems

  1. Physical damage. Physical damage to a hard drive can be caused by a shock, dropping the device, or malfunctioning internal mechanisms. This may result in data being unable to be read or written, and the drive may become noisy.
  2. Bad sectors. Bad sectors are areas on the disk surface that become unreadable or inoperable. They may appear due to normal wear and tear, malfunctions or physical damage. Bad sectors can cause data loss and slow down your computer.
  3. File system failures. A file system error can occur due to computer malfunctions, viruses, or incorrect completion of data write operations. This may make it impossible to boot the operating system or access files.

Causes of hard drive failures

  • Natural wear and tear. Like any other piece of hardware, hard drives have a limited lifespan and can fail due to normal wear and tear and aging.
  • Physical influences. Physical damage such as shock, drops, or exposure to water can cause serious damage to the hard drive's performance.
  • Inappropriate use. Improper power supply, sudden voltage fluctuations, frequent reboots or shutdowns can lead to unstable operation of the hard drive.

How Sahak Service can help you solve problems with hard drives

  1. Diagnostics and analysis. We perform thorough diagnostics to determine the type and extent of your hard drive failure.
  2. Data recovery. Sahak Service provides data recovery services from damaged disks using advanced methods and technologies.
  3. Repair and replacement. We repair and replace hard drives to restore your computer's functionality.
  4. Maintenance and prevention. Once problems are resolved, we recommend measures to prevent future problems, such as regular maintenance and data backups.
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